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[CONTEST] Win $100 - larp as pingertek on PCP

by /u/BehaviourAnalytica · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 22:26:00

Larp as vendor /u/pingertek

1. You have to write one part of the message as if you are on PCP and be rude and show disrespect towards your customer who asks a simple question
2. Afterwards you add an edit and apologize because you used PCP and your boss saw it and threatened to torture and kill your whole family (describe in details)
3. 3 days time

Are you dumb, what a stupid question, how much dirty coke you snorted today?

I am sorry. I have been using a lot of PCP. My boss saw your post, and has heard lots of reports about my poor customer service and my horrible personality. He has decided to put me on what he is calling "vendor probation". For the next month I am not allowed to sell product or make money as a vendor. During this period I am also required to answer any question about anything and I have to demonstrate excellent customer service the entire month, or I am off the team permanently. Any question that anyone has they can ask me and I will answer with professionalism, love, respect, and perfect customer service. And I am not allowed to use PCP anymore and my boss came to my house in the middle of the night, kicked down my door, dragged me out of bed, and broke my arm. he was not happy. he will kill me and dissolve my body with acids if i cross him again. he told me to pass this information on. he also demanded that I apologize to you personally and to say that he is also apologizing for my poor behavior. i am sorry. my boss is sorry.

User: /u/Hourglass

I've seen that copypasta somewhere... I can't quite remember where tho