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MachiaveliLimited Vacation Time 15% off Discount Code on Super Market!

by /u/NiccoloMachiaveli · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 22:39:00

hello everyone,

we are posting this real quick to notify everyone that you may redeem 15% off your order if ordering between now up until 4/20/2024. when making an order, please keep in mind that your order will be put in the preorders ection for my team to fulfill when we are back in full swing.

we are still busy with the reorganization so we will not be active as much on the markets and dread during this time but after 4/20 we will be online and available to answer any questions and concerns and begin processing those preorders.

love all of you and thanks for undertanding! this random opsec maintenance is very important to keeping the business running for as long as i want it!

stay safe and enjoy the weather (:



User: /u/ZillaKami138

/u/NiccoloMachiaveli, What's the discount code? Edit: nevermind, found it.