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Rush Rush Brick 1G Review

by /u/prettydoggy · 0 votes · 2024-04-30 03:17:00



Rush Rush
Cocaine Brick 1G

Listing Name - DD for xxx
Listing Type DD Direct Deal
Picture Link - http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/album/d058870e372c173b

stars/blurred bits for everyone's opsec and to obscure partial stamps. had trouble uploading two other photos i wanted to include so if dumpli ends up working again later on, i will add an album including the other two at some point in time.
Reagent Test no regent ----
Quantity Rating 10/10 hooked it up on shipping once again and went even further above & beyond on weight. my appreciations never end!
Quality Rating 10/10 top tier quality as always. have really enjoyed this one even moreso than brick 1C. super super smooth and the high puts a clean, calm and confident pep in your step. not an amped up energy. joined by its great social euphoria. i, and others, can do a little having a time at home playing games, chill time sipping a few at the bar playing pool, or keeping us up and at'em hopping between bars. my bartender clients enjoy not being zooted and amped but instead alert, energized and focused while feeling uplifted instead of swamped while busy. versatile stuff. comedown is nil if you aren't hitting it heavily.
Aesthetic 10/10 Looking good? Looking great. beautiful soft white/off-white. pretty much same as 1C
Price Value 10/10 Rush has his price point but it's not without reason. what he is able to provide is worth it's price as i've said before. and DD bulk deals bring it to a really great price point consdidering the quality, purity of the product and customer service he offers.
Overall Product Rating 10/10 always a pleasure. everyone enjoyed this one immensely. most others also commenting on this one being even more enjoyable than 1C which they already were raving on. comments like these were coming both from people who knew i'd moved onto a new brick and people who hadn't the slightest idea what brick i'm ever on.
Shipping Option - mail
Shipping Time 10/10 under a week.
Stealth Quality 10/10 never a worry. simple and effective.
Overall Shipping Rating 10/10 as above.
Clear Sales Terms YES we've built a solid business relationship
Friendliness 10/10 Selfexplaining, isn't it?
Professionalism 10/10 Selfexplaining, isn't it? Even went above and beyond AGAIN for me on this one. Always appreciated, bro.
Response Time 10/10 if he's on, and i'm on, i can often times hear back 5 mins after shooting a message. same said in 1C revivew.
Overall Customer Service Rating 10/10 always top quality service.

alot of this has been said in the 1C review i recently posted. only other difference i'll note here is even with 1C being a banger of a brick, this one jumps just slightly higher still. incredible what Rush is able to provide and his dedication to only providing what he will stand behind and put his name behind. it's always a pleasure to work with him.

the album will be available for one(1) week from posting date.

User: /u/QualityConnect

Do obscure rounding: 10g++ or 20g+