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New Cocaine Vendor free samples pay shipping only

by /u/Derek4RealPR · 0 votes · 2024-05-03 00:20:00

We are new vendors and we need some reviews and feedback we are giving away 56 single grams to the first 56 customers who order on archetype. look us up under Derek4Real

User: /u/ZillaKami138

/u/Derek4RealPR, Please read our sub's stickies about the rules for vendors and what's required for mod approval of free sample offers. In brief, you need to offer free samples, including free shipping, to at least three potential reviewers. The amount of the samples and the shipping methods are totally free for you to choose. Once the reviewers have received the samples, we give them a designated period of time to post their reviews of your samples, and if they do not post reviews, we will ban them from this sub and they will no longer be eligible to receive free samples through this sub. That is our only means of encouraging reviewers to do their part, which is post reviews of your products. Once you edit this post to comply with our requirements, we can approve this post.