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[code release] a simple xmr mutli wallet balance checker.

by /u/GatorQuest · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 22:44:00

Hi all,
If your like me and have loads of wallets in your monero directory and your not sure exactly how much balance you have, I have written a small script that might help you.
After years of XMR usage, over hundreds of different wallets I was sure that i definitely had lots of change and forgotten wallets which likely total up to a significant amount of balance. I wrote this script to check the total balance of all my wallets, and it turns out I have a LOT of XMR leftover in them.

# e.g: /home/user/Monero/wallets


declare -A processed_wallets

for wallet_folder in "$WALLETS_DIR"/*; do
    if [ -d "$wallet_folder" ]; then

        wallet_name=$(basename "$wallet_folder")

	primary_address=$(echo -e "\n" | monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file "$wallet_folder/$wallet_name" address primary | grep "Opened wallet: " | awk '{print $3}')

	if [ -n "${processed_wallets[$primary_address]}" ]; then
            echo "Skipping duplicate wallet: $primary_address"


	sync_status=$(echo -e "\n" | monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file "$wallet_folder/$wallet_name" refresh | grep "Refresh done, blocks received:")

	if [ -n "$sync_status" ]; then
	    echo "Wallet is fully synchronized."
	    sync_percentage=$(echo "$sync_status" | awk '{print $6}')
	    echo "Synchronization progress: $sync_percentage"

        # Run monero-wallet-cli to get the balance (press Enter when prompted for a password)
        balance=$(echo -e "\n" | monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file "$wallet_folder/$wallet_name" balance | grep "Balance:" | awk '{print $2}')
        balance=$(echo "$balance" | sed 's/,$//')

	echo "Adding balance: $balance"
	total_balance=$(echo $total_balance $balance | awk '{print $1 + $2}')
	echo "New total balance: $total_balance"
        echo "Wallet: $wallet_name"
        echo "Address: $primary_address"
        echo "Balance: $balance XMR"
        echo "Total So Far: $total_balance XMR"

echo "Overall Total XMR: $total_balance XMR"

I hope this helps you find some of your lost moneros

User: /u/Amphora

Good work!