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PSA: /d/InfinityProject EXCHANGER Has Zero Support

by /u/TZSKSKTZ · 0 votes · 2024-04-18 08:31:00

I made an xfer on 04/09 BTC - XMR using the same mirror I've been using for months without issue. I've been trying to get a hold of the listed jabber account with no reply and account is always offline. I tried reaching out here on dread, and was told I must have used a fishing link, and to contact via jabber, which I did already.

It's been 6 days and their jabber is always inactive, with no response to my DM's

I have all the addresses and UUID. and original txid for the transaction in question.

They are advertising on their main mirror, that they are close to opening the market soon.

I hope their support miraculously comes alive before then, or the entire project is SUS AS HELL!

Thank you


User: /u/diddler

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