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i need help bad with arche

by /u/imalostman · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 19:14:00

idk if im screwed or not. i made a new account on arche (long story) and did not realize that it does the 2-fa automatically which i would have opted out for.. . i made a order. but my kid yanked my usb out of my laptop (6 years old not his fault) and i do not do persistence storage for opsec reason and constantly buy new usbs why idk? ocd paranoid or w.e.
is their any way in hell i can get past this 2fa... i have everything. pin, display name, login, and password

let me also mention i been in this game 3.5 years? or so i live paycheck to paycheck (kind of) and want to make sure i did everything right for the vendors and my self i been up for 48 hours nd cannot sleep without my meds i have some left that i need to save. if anyone has any knowledge please help. im at cross road and im just done

soeey for the rant thank you for reading this

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