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dread is boring

by /u/furrybear · 0 votes · 5th July, 2018 12:04

TBH dread is sort of boring to me,the more i use it the more unintresting it becomes ,i suggest maybe lack of users,fewer comments and people are not giving out useful information when asked by a poster..everything kinda seems like a child play for teasing people ..i can testify DREAD v.1 was a good place to spend my free time ,now i rather sleep than be on dread,i don't have the rush to come over dread and check out new post,message or notification ,because its always filled with noobish question i suggest the real people are out there doing something with there life ..and i will join them .hope i am not the only with the same feeling

User: /u/HugBunter

It depends what communities you are subscribed too really, I don't care for drug talk myself, there is a lot more outside that although most communities are based around DNMs and as you said, main topic of discussion is drugs. Take a look through the discover page⚠️ if you haven't already.