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Archetyp has left Dread. Will it remain linked and active on Recon

by /u/plkqcs · 0 votes · 9th March, 2022 16:10

I am posting here, but /u/Paris may be the word on this

User: /u/socat2me

I really like the market, but I have to say this move makes no sense to me. I mean, I think the thing that set off Yosimite was the alleged leaking of some IP address. I don't have enough knowledge of how a market should run these days to know if it was inconsequential or not. However, if this was no big deal, it seems like a VERY strange strategy. "Our competition is posting a bunch of stuff about us that's a bunch of FUD and not true so we're going to completely remove ourselves from the entire communication platform and delete all our post history." Thereby, uhh, completely removing yourself from the conversation? I just don't get it. Also, all of the sudden Alphabay is the bad guy?! Lmao everyone was shitting on them forever and now they're part of the Dread deep state (which yes, I know it does exist a little bit but it's just advertising money and shady dealings). I was around for all of AlphaBay and remember a lot of DeSnake's posts. Obviously my memory isn't very good now, but I thought /u/DeSnake was one of the few who was never actually caught. I don't think that AlphaBay is an LE honeypot because LE has waaaay more funding than that lol a 2022 honeypot market isn't happening unless it just gets seized. LE doesn't need a market to be their honeypot when they have the mountains and mountains of data that are piling up from poor opsec, instant exchanges, postal providers, VPN providers, telecomm providers, financial providers, all under gag orders or unknowingly providing all the info they need from the built in surveillance equipment that is installed throughout key points in all telecommunications grids. It's been this way since CALEA was signed in 1984. Look up lawful interception. I'd believe /u/DeSnake is penissmith before I'd believe he's LE making an LE market and Alphabay relaunched is the result of billions of dollars of funding. EDIT: To be fair, again, I have no idea about the full story. I'll look more into it but I doubt it gets more sensible.