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This might sound small, but it's actually very frustrating!

by /u/forlol_notserious · 0 votes · 8th July, 2018 23:59

As a frequent Reddit user, the order that links under each user are arranged has lead to me clicking 'save' or 'sticky(in the sub I mod)' nearly every time I go to reply to a user!

On Dread, the links are arranged like this

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On reddit they are arranged like this!

permalink save report reply

So, as some body who has muscle memory from so much time posting on reddit, I often fucked up clicking the wrong buttons. Any chance this can be fixed? Am I the only one that does that?

User: /u/HugBunter

I could make the save button have a modal dialogue so that you can confirm the action similarly to delete if that would work better? Won't be a prioritized change though.