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Why US government so scared TikTok? What you guys did on TikTok?

by /u/RCLeon · 0 votes · 2023-05-19 03:40:00

Anyone can explain?

And what will you do if US government indeed shut the TikTok down?

User: /u/cthulhuskittens

the US government is not scared of tiktok, but they are using the specter of "China spying" as an excuse to further eat away at Americans' privacy rights. the RESTRICT Act which is being sold to low-IQ TV-watchers as a "ban Tiktok bill" actually gives the executive branch the power to designate any internet-enabled service as subject to hostile foreign influence & punish anyone using that service with a fat fine &/or jail time. this makes the Patriot Act look like a room full of fuzzy bunnies. tl;dr Tiktok = the bogeyman, the US government = the real monster