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Should I been concerned about my opsec?

by /u/radtadbad · 0 votes · 26th November, 2022 06:56

So yesterday, I was on 11.5.7, I saw that the new update came out but my tor browser could not auto update properly. It kept saying to go to the website and download a new binary. That's ok, went to the tor site, downloaded 11.5.8 and the signature. Upon verification of the sig, the signature was incorrect. So I avoided the update and kept the 11.5.7 version.

Open the browser today, auto update tries to update to 11.5.8 and it succeeds, yay. Yet I logged onto my go to sites and realized all my settings were reverted to the defaults. Like javascript was turned on, and all the random changes I did to about:config were gone. I quickly, turned on safest mode and turned off js. I got out of the site and grabbed a new identity.

I feel like I am just being overly paranoid, but the signature not matching, and the settings turning js back on is just scary and weird. A lot of my op sec is relying on my tor settings and I feel like I just completely fucked my situation up because of it. Well like the title says should I even be concerned here about my opsec or was it just a fluke and not some weird plan to expose noobs like myself.

User: /u/deejmaheii

u just go to setting and make the safest in the browser setting mate