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Review: MadeinMexico China White

by /u/ZillaKami138 · 0 votes · 2024-04-16 05:57:00

Vendor Details Product Details
Market: Archetyp
Vendor Name: /u/madeinmexico
Escrow Listing: Yes
Product: White F1000x Synthetic China White
Price: $470
Quality (1-10): 9

Customer Service Shipping / Stealth
Clear Sales Terms: Yes
PM Response Time: Within a day or so
Easy to work with: For the most part, yes
Accepted / Shipped times: 10 days from acceptance to arrival at my drop. Vendor explained that there would be a small delay in shipping my order. Indeed, there was a few days of delay between acceptance, order marked as "shipped", and "label created" on ID. However, once the order was dropped into the mail, it landed two days after.
Printed shipping label: Yes
Stealth (Please be vague): Decent stealth for domestic: multiple layers, including visual and smell barriers.

Product Pictures and description
http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/bb2040e087e20b14.jpeg⚠️- Date stamp with product and fent + xylazine tests
http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/5e87eaa967c72349.jpeg⚠️- Close-up of product and test strips
http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/116a5bccfd88edf7.jpeg⚠️- Close-up of product
http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/d397d556accf2b17.jpeg⚠️- Close-up of product

Personal experience / thoughts on product and order
I had originally placed two orders with MiM, one for his white CW and another for his grey CW, but upon his recommendation, he swapped my order of grey to an equivalent amount of white. Plus he threw in an extra 3.5g to make up for a previous batch I purchased from him that was tainted with xylazine. So altogether I received 11-12g of his white batch.

Product arrived as small rocks and virtually no powder. However, I had already chopped up the rocks somewhat when I took the pictures, so they show some rocks mixed with powder. Rapid Response test strips revealed a xylazine-free product, just as MiM had promised. Shipping took a little while longer than I had hoped, but MiM clearly communicated to me to expect a slight delay, and so from acceptance to arrival took ten days, including Sundays.

The quality of the product was very good. With a lower tolerance than I've had lately, especially for this kind of product, in had me nodding on my face for hours when I first tried it. I put the quality near, equal to, or slightly above AutoBot's CW, or SinaloaSickness's Cupra batch. And given MiM's prices, I reckon this is the best CW bang for the buck. I would definitely order again, but if time was of the essence, I might look elsewhere. But if you can wait, the wait will be worth it.

User: /u/ZillaKami138

No problem. Xylazine-free birds are seemingly more difficult to find these days, so I'm happy to report when I come across one.