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removing a phones signals capabilties.

by /u/opsecenjoyer · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 02:11:00

How can i remove all signals to a phone. Im aware that the rf chip can not be removed as it will brick the phone, and re wiring a phone and modifiing an os is outside of my technoligcal abilties. My current setup involves a pixel running graphene os with all the antanes removed, and i am aware that residual signals could still ping a cell tower. Since i am extremly panaroid i have built a faraday cage / tent with shielded ethernet cable penerating through so the phone still has acces to internet. Is there any tips on how i can further imporve this setup or is it good enough.

User: /u/starboy84

do you have a custom firewall set up for the network connection?