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Cafe members proposal story- please don't take it serious, it's for fun(Just assumption)

by /u/nasyer · 0 votes · 13th June, 2022 05:39

A girl(June) came in the cafe and sat by herself at a table near the window. She was very pretty with a face fresh as a newly minted coin if they minted coins in smooth flesh with rain-freshened skin, and her hair black as a crow’s wing, sexy walk with sexy booty.

All of want to start conversation with June and she is noticing everyone, so June announced, Do you all have dare to propose me ? let introduce yourself and propose one by one.

First /u/WE_Are_9000

Hi Baby My self /u/WE_Are_9000 and I'm the Immortal Supreme God and Moderator of Sub Dread /d/Meth,
look my sub dread and my profile, let's rave baby!!!

June: Have you ever seen your face Dumbass ? even if you were 18000 and would weave everyone's dick among themselves, you would still be able to vibrate at most one mice pussy, and what do you mean by panty scammer? Have you ever seen the other side of the panty? called your self "Supreme God" ? People like you are the reason God doesn’t talk to us anymore. called your self "Immortal" ? with a dick like wheat grain, better die than this and what you said "Rave baby" ? Put some /d/Meth on paper, fold it, and shove it up your ass and, do /d/Coke may be word pronunciation make you happy.

End of proposal..... No worries /u/We_Are_9000 "truth hurts"
http://o3bb7kv2dymiptyf6cxyx54uikqwmpo4pflfn245m3fwhpa7ag65wsad.onion/images/266951b08e81497b106a34a896539af6.png⚠️ check WE are 9000

Second /u/ugu

Hi, I'm the CEO of /d/Kilos and just look my profile, website and sub dread, i have my own payment system, i will make you rich baby!

June:Jesus, Right now, I'm sitting here looking at you trying to see things from your point of you view but i can't get my head that far up to my ass and What have you done? You start your business with a picture of an ass? And what inverted ABCD is written on the ass, dumbass would have used the paper, and what is swaping, mixing? Paint your ass like this girl and swap knives in between.
And Priest of Ass, you can never do mixing, you can only do shaking your earthworm like dick.

Conversation End.... /u/ugu don't worry at least you have dick like Earthworm but like wheat grain ?

Third /u/dickinmyass

Hi Myself /u/dickinmyass and ...

June: Please stop, no comment, I'm using fifth amendment, keep it up.

End of conversation..... /u/dickinmyass do something about it.

Fourth /u/hydronerd

Hey beauty, Myself /u/hydronerd and i'm the co-owner of this cafe, i would like to be the reason of your next abortion.

June: Today, I saw something that reminded me of you. But then, i flushed it and came out of the loo and all i want to suggest you just Encrypt your dick with RSA key and forget about private key because what will you do with piggy bank toy key like dick.

End of Coversation... /u/hydronerd seriously ? you look like above ?

Fourth /u/Shakybeats

Hi myself /u/Shakybeats and i own this Cafe, I'm board member of Dread corporation and i wrote DNM Bible, what about me ?

June: so prophet of dumbass, what is the meaning of your name /u/Shakybeats ? do you play drum by shaking dick ? do you friend of /u/ugu ? I thought you took my breath away, but prophet, I was just suffocated with your bullshit. So got to your seat and do billing cafe owner.

End of conversation.. /u/Shakybeats you can blame on /u/ugu

Fifth /u/newbieforever2018

Hi, my self /u/newbieforever2018 and ...

June: please... don't need to say anything, what are you doing here without diaper between them ? go home and do play with ludo.

End of Conversation...... don't worry about it, grow up and you can try again few years later.

Sixth /u/Witchman05

Hi Myself /u/Witchman05 and I'm alpha tester member of dread corporation and ....

June: Alpha tester... ? yes i can see that, your name is telling everything about you, so Alpha tester you made your self with 5 witch pussy and 5 dick, What do you want to be after all? Fifth element of She-male or an Octopus ? so get lost /d/Beggars.

End of conversation.... no comment for you my friend, she already did.

seventh /u/Paris

Hi Myself /u/Paris and I'm the vice Chairman of Dread corporation, would you like be my girlfriend ?

June: Ohhh!! you are Vice Chairman of these dumb-asses, It's not your fault, and do you want me to be Girl friend of whole city ? No way, So I would like to say this only , whoever comes first, they will tell you in the board meeting, and everything should be applicable to you i said above Mr... Vice Chairman.

End of Conversation... and June decide to leave cafe..

Then /u/HugBunter comes inside the cafe and looking at June and says, Hi Beauty, I'm owner of this Corporation but June looks at /u/Paris and says Hey France Capital, tell him also in the board meeting what i said as he is the owner.

HugBunter try to ask but Paris Told we should call /u/syntax /u/wintermute /u/Solar /u/HeadJanitor as it's important and we can't be alone, they must be present!   😜

and June Left cafe

And as soon as he gets in his car /u/WilliamGibson takes off his makeup and says Well….. That's All Folks!

User: /u/nasyer

this because post was approved after 13-14 hour later but upvote doesn't matter, matter is you all like my content and that make me happy. Thanks