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Incognito Vendor issue /// A dick move

by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 9th March, 2024 19:10

When we thought that the Incognito market problem would be just an Exit Scam, they have proven to be worse people than we thought. Going to the point of extorting sellers, even assuming that they never deleted the messages between users within the market, as well as all the TxIDs.
This is a big problem for customers, but especially for sellers who did not use appropriate security measures such as encrypting with PGP and using Monero instead of Bitcoin.
If this seems disrespectful to you, wait until you read the phrase where they literally say

if anything were to leak to law enforcement, I guess nobody ever slipped up

I will attach some screenshots taken by our well-known seller /u/CocaineIncPR (Thanks :P)




Also, I really hope this is does not become a "popular" way of exit scamming. This is just dishonest.

User: /u/RevenantChild

I've checked some of the vendors that reportedly paid. Most, if not all of them have made no sales on Incognito.