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I think Wallstreetbets tried to poison me

by /u/yournameiscool33 · 0 votes · 2024-04-17 03:27:00

I ordered BTH from this vendor and received some strange looking shit that was like black playdough mixed with some sort crystalline substance. It test positive for fent, so I tried to smoke a little bit of it. It gave me a headache and hurt my chest, made me dizzy. As I continued to inspect it, I noticed that it has a green tint to it. I put it in water and it turned the water green. It has a really strange taste to it as well. I'm literally hoping I don't die from the tiny bit I smoked. I wasn't aware of his history and should have done more looking around before I ordered. This dude is a fucking POS. I'm so mad he sent me this stuff and is literally arguing with me that it's real tar.

User: /u/Twiztidd70

Honestly .... IDK what his deal is. I ordered from him twice back when Bohemia was around. What I received was a Tanish color powder with specs in it. Definitely looked different to anything id seen before. However out of all the other vendors on there at the time, including some big name reputable vendors, his product was better than all of them. Only one that actually gave me that opiate euphoria feeling. Then I ordered from him again a few months later, and what I received looked totally different, looked like normal tan color dope, however this time it made me dizzy, gave me a headache, kept me awake all night. And my heart rate stayed elevated at around 120 bpm for 2 days. Definitely was not dope. Haven't ordered since. Just don't know how product can vary so widely, and it's weird because like I said, with all the negative comments he's gotten, my first 2 orders from him was definitely some of the best if not THE best I've gotten on the dark web .