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A DNM Vendor just showed up at my apartment...

by /u/EveISHott4093 · 0 votes · 10th March, 2024 01:59

so i placed an order on Arche from vendor goldsmith. The pack got delivered at some point this afternoon, but i hadn't had a chance yet to pick it up from the mailroom at my complex. So somebody starts knocking on my door, its the vendor asking about the pack. im super sketched at this point and was just really confused because i didnt recieve any messages from him on archetyp. He claims that the pack was for somebody else and he put my adrress label on it by mistake. So i gave him the pack and told him i wasnt going to be ordering from him again. he says my pack will arrive on monday, but the whole situation is pretty fucked. Has anyone ever had a vendor unannounced show up at your address demanding their shit back? could this be some sort of CD? he didnt seem like LEO, but he was also trying to get me to open the pack in the middle of my parking garage which was weird.

edit: kinda surprised the amount of people here that think i made this shit up. i thought thats what dread was for? keeping vendors accountable when the deal doesn't go down as advertised. Goldsmith is more than welcome to chime in here and give his side of the story, but he's clearly been a ghost.

i'm also aware i didnt handle the situation great if it was an attempted CD by LEO, but this was not LEO, the vendor PGP'd me last night confirming it was him and apologized, but i should have never been in this situation to begin with. i get it, mistakes happen, but if you are supposed to be a top rated DNM vendor, you can't put the wrong shipping label on a pack of 10k pills.

FINAL EDIT: The pack finally landed. Goldsmith made it right and gave me a full refund for my order. So i got my shit, got my money back, and didn't end up in jail. Sucks that this whole thing happened, but appreciete how goldsmith handled it and made it right in the end.

User: /u/LaurenSouza

If this is real OMG i thought i had seen it all LOL