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Monero Traced Successfully by the Finish Authorities in High-Profile Hack

by /u/asfaleia · 0 votes · 29th January, 2024 15:36

Crypto Forensics Breakthrough: Finnish Authorities Trace Monero in High-Profile Hack

While this kind of threat actors deserve their fate, this case is one of those that show nicely how Monero is probabilistically traceable, it needs to be churned properly and that what matters are all inputs and outputs to and from the Monero ecosystem too.

The current investigation shows following path of Julius Aleksanteri Kivimäki used for cleaning up his BTC:

Payment was received in BTC --> NON-KYC exchange --> Monero --> dedicated Monero wallet --> Binance --> BTC --> various other wallets --> and finally JAIL.

Adapt accordingly.⚠️

User: /u/nihilist1

Don't get it twisted. They traced bitcoin, that's it.