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cash by mail label printing without a $300 dymo

by /u/mdmayyy · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 13:07:00

im an old dog trying to learn new tricks but the shipping label part of localmonero cash by mail has given me a bit of issue. my problem is i see people on dread suggest dymo 4xl or 450s to use with tails. these are $300 and that is a bit expensive when i will probably only use it to do cash by mail once or twice a year.

at my last job i was given a brother ql-something (number scratched), i tried it back then and it worked fine. looks like it can print labels abouit 2.5 by 4 inches. i foundthe drivers and it says Linux (deb), Linux (Raspbian), Linux (rpm), Linux (Raspbian lite) and I am on tails 6.1 so I'm not sure if any of that is useful.

my questions are this:
1- can i make this brother QL work with tails 6.1? (are the 2.5 x 4 inch labels too small for priority? i lost the labels i found with it so i cant test it atm)

2- if the brother wont work, is there a label printer i can buy that is perhaps $100 or less to use once or twice a year? it looks like many are ~$80 on amazon but i dont know which work with tails despite lots of searching on dread.

3- as last effort, are self-help kiosk at usps any safer than simply walking in post office with package and paying cash with covid mask on for one or two localmonero transactions?

User: /u/Succinimide

We agree weith /u/USAPills Not sure why you need a label printer at all. Especially if you're only going to use it twice per You can also buy adhesive labels that are on 8.5 x 11 sheets with 2 or 4 labels per page, and print them from your normal inkjet printer.