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Elysium vendor update & recurting more

by /u/ElysiumMarket · 0 votes · 2024-02-11 16:49:00

We have welcomed onboard over the last week,

Ashwilliams, Dreamweaver, Highclass, Boomshankar.

We are actively recruiting more if you're currently vending on another market you're welcome to join us with a bond waiver add your PGP key and send a message to Support.

User: /u/ElysiumMarket

Hello you placed an order the vendor did not process your order in the time frame permitted and the order was automatically cancelled, your funds in XMR have been returned to you, I even removed the withdrawal fee because of the cancelled order. Please note the vendor did not have a jabber address set for the market to notify them of their order and I personally attempted to located them on another market for you to process your order. There really isn't more we can do on the admin side and you have lost no money at all as I even cancelled the withdraw fee.