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Archetyp Market - Almost 420k users :)

by /u/BigBossChefOfArchetyp · 0 votes · 2024-04-26 19:47:00


from now on we will require a valid PGP Public Key from new users who wish to sign up to the market. We will also enable 2-FA by default for every new user who signs up after this post was created.
Old accounts can still use the market without PGP or 2-FA however we strongly recommend everyone to learn how to use PGP, it's not hard, it's rather simple and will greatly improve your security in multiple ways:

1. If you have 2-FA enabled, you can literally browse to ANY onion, even a phishing proxy and just casually log in, the 2-FA will protect you and you will be redirected to a valid mirror of ours, due to the way we set it up, I'm really proud of it, because we are the first market to ever came up with this way of 2-FA and ever since introduction not a single user who had 2-FA enabled got phished and it's almost impossible to get phished by it, only way to still get phished is if you do not read the decrypted text and not follow the instructions of it.

2. In case we get busted or turn bad like Incocknito we can not hold you at ransom, what if you always are lazy and never encrypt your shipping details with the vendor's key but instead rely solely onto our fail safe to auto encrypt your shipping details?
In case of a bust, the police could change how the function to encrypt works and keep your entered details as copy unencrypted like on Hansa Market however what if it does not work at all as you think and we already keep a copy? In that case it's just so much smarter to encrypt your data yourself, so you have 100% peace of mind as you know: It's encrypted and besides the vendor no-one has access to your data.

We are by far the biggest market, we are the longest running market and we of course intend to keep the market open for a lot more time to come, however the police actively tries to take this market down, we have the biggest crosshair on our back from all markets, so users really need to realize this, we do not plan to getting busted but what if it happens? Encrypt your data yourself and you do not have to worry about it.

How to use PGP?
The DNMBible has it all covered: http://biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion/bible/pgp/

If you are new to PGP, remember to never lose your Private PGP Key, it's the most important thing, if you lose it, you will lose your account if you have 2-FA enabled. Make a backup if possible.

Hash: SHA512

Remember every deposit address on Archetyp always starts like this:

Main mirror:

New permanent mirrors:


User: /u/zrrorrz
