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IRL friend asking me to teach him how to buy of off DNM

by /u/notimetothink · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 18:54:00

So I have a friend and lets call him Joe
Joe has been asking me since day 1, that i showed him dnm, that i should teach him how to do it because he wanted to do it to.
My first mistake was telling him about dnm, i thought he was a bit more knowledgable about IT than he really is. Joe isnt dumb just a bit, yk, a part time thinker.
I dont wanna just tell him nah or that he couldnt do it because he could get offended and i dont want that. I also dont wanna show joe how it works because I am afraid that he
could make a mistake and he could get in trouble and then probably me too.
Is there a way to explain it to him like a three year old or should i just drop it and make an excuse?

User: /u/bobby_hamburger10
