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Plausible Deniability Protection for an .onion Service (SSH + USB + Physical intrusion detection, automatic mail notifications, emergency shutdowns)

by /u/nihilist1 · 0 votes · 2024-04-01 15:11:00

Hi all, check out my latest tutorial on how to protect your sensitive services running at home from a veracrypt hidden partition:


any feedback is appreciated :) i'll update the tutorial accordingly if there are any obvious security flaws.

I cover how to detect if there is any movement in the room where the server is (using a cheap usb webcam), detecting if there is any ssh intrusion into the server, detecting if there is any usb change onto the server, and also explaining how the server runs an automatic emergency shutdown script in case if there is any intrusion whatsoever, to keep the volume hidden from an adversary.

In a future tutorial i'll cover the threat of an internet/power outage by explaining how to run endgame v3 for the .onion service.

sidenote: if you think some part of my tutorials doesn't make sense and is risky, make sure you tell me what you recommend instead so i can improve my tutorials accordingly

User: /u/nihilist1

should be fine actually, maybe try with a new torbrowser identity/circuit ?