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AMA with /u/saferpartych

by /u/Saferpartych · 0 votes · 25th August, 2021 17:55

We are a Harm Reduction service from Zurich, which has been offering a drug checking service for 20 years and thus belong to the pioneers when it comes to drug checking. You can have substances tested in our office as well as during our mobile operations directly in clubs and at festivals. In addition, we operate a website (, currently only in German) and offer counseling on substance use, both online and offline. We have recently become active on Dread and will be available to answer your questions regarding substance use and/or Drug Checking on August 25 from 4pm to 5pm MET. We look forward to your questions.

Ask me anything

User: /u/BadFishBad

Nothing better than a voyeur /u/effwrk camping stalk-along... But in all reality, whenever I try something for the first time, it is always a singularity to become familiar with effects and thresholds. Then starts the experimentation on the interactions with other substances. It is quite interesting to model and hypothesize how various combinations interact. While I have an internal catalog of experiences that have been shared anecdotally with many IRL, I have not written them down. I think it is because of the pragmatic research I've done beforehand and never really having a delta that was notable. As for any FUBAR situations, should I come across that, then that would totally be detailed in a write up as a cautionary note for others. As of now, thankfully none have happened. pretty much the same situation with me. I don't mind them posting how their experiments go, just wishing there were more of the reports on the use of a single drug with as much info on its physical qualities as possible. Biometrics of the guinea pig. Their past drug use. Time since last use. DOB. SSN. Height, weight..Just data, data, data. I cannot make horse cock dildos without silicone. Maybe we should make a drug report template like the review templates with all the info we could want/need. With certain drug dependent dosing rules. Like if it's crystal meth. Weigh out the common dose for whatever method of ingestion need for the report. Then just experience that. Don't get to t+23.45min make some excuse to take more or take something else. Not the best way to eat drugs, but we need to remember that sometimes you litteraly just have to take one for the team. Give us that info. Pictures. Smells. Tastes. The overall emotional state of the substance. Do you sense that the things the crystal is whispering to you are true or lies? Now, try to realize that you are hallucinating and make note of it. You get the idea. So, perhaps the Mods could choose a certain compound ever so often for the exact reason of gathering reports like this. They pick whatever drug, vendors, and guinea pigs. More guinea pigs, more data to analyze = more reliable information. Vendors can't know about it of course, and the pigs of guinea should be trusted in the community and remain anonymous, noone knows they are a chosen pig. Probably don't even give them the vendor name of the product, just what it is, and how Dread would like it tested. Their reports could then be collected, compared, analyzed.. I could have some good fun on the LibreOffice Calc doing some data analysis. The piggies follow the aforementioned report sheet to the best of their ability, and they are submitted for educational purposes. Data findings eventually published with any important findings, correlations, the required nudes of the guinea pigs, thoughts, conclusions. You could have a whole sub filled with the reports, raw data, analyzed data, findings, theories, dark confessions, lots of picks of what are supposed to be the same chemical for comparison. And what would be really cool, is if a sample from each vendor chosen for a given drug could be sent out for quality/purity testing. Mods/experts for these subs could then explain the differences found in the samples to us like we are frequent drug abusers, with diminished brain power. Tell us what's what. Bueno o no bueno? The piggies get free drugs(have a little work), the community gets a plethora of largely-unbiased data to work with. To find the best to worst in any number of categories. Polls or magic conch to determine how these metrics should be weighted and factored, ultimately producing a Dread Suggested Vendor List for a given product. Possibly several lists ranked to different standards. ie. Some looking for top quality personal, some best bulk flip, some just looking for love in this lonely world. Possibilities are endless. We could,over some time, produce the greatest compendium on drugs, experienes, prices, dick side effects, product pictures, legitamate lab results, guides on how to read them, guides on how to read. So many possibilities. And I think one great of many good things that would come from putting in this admittedly hard work, would be an overall improvment in every aspect of the DNM experience. Vendors would have to up their game when a potential custie can do a simple search and give reason A,B,C why vendor #3 is better or just fits their needs more closely. Idk how many of you have seen /u/theresistance photos of his flower, but you get a small high just by looking at it. I'd expect to see that from more vendors as well. That bag appeal is important, and now you actually have to work at it to be of note. I could go on and on with more ideas I have for this but have probably given enought for you to scoff at for one night. Also, sorry vendors. I realize this might make shit harder for you, but probably better in the end. Excellent customer service, good comms, those extra, unnecessary steps that some vendors take out of pride for their work or just because they realize that it matters in sales a great, great deal. Like /u/darcside is one for me. Excellent comms, ships so fast, great product. Perfection. And back before I was dirt poor, I bought some of the finest herb from the finest of vendors /u/TheResistance and remember those pics I mentioned of his? Well, here's an example: Actually, it won't post. Just imagine the best flower you've ever seen and know you'd consider that absolute shit by comparison after seeing TR's. Anyway, thanks for any time you waisted reading any of this. And please Automod.. just leave me alone. I'm too tired for all of your rules. Thank you, Go With God