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Down again...

by /u/Octopus · 0 votes · 8th January, 2024 19:48

Hope you're sorting this out, /u/nlimited...

User: /u/DrugulaPR

Still hard at working ensuring the downtime is shortened as quickly as possible. We are truly sorry that we are experiencing such a harsh attack right now. We won't take it lying down and will continue to change things up as we work to dodge whatever can be thrown at us. Of course, we are utilizing the most up-to-date versions of Proof-of-Work and EndGame (With custom patches to make them even more effective, shout-out to /u/Paris -- thank you for that!) which has definitely helped, but some people have access to much much larger botnets for DDOS'ing that it would probably make some "professional" DDOS'ers cry. We will be back soon regardless, it's just sad that someone is willing to spend so much money to try and "take us down" because... At the end of the day... Drugula will always come back. But their wasted money on hiring script kiddies won't come back to their pockets. And we also use down-time like this to make our service better. Win-Win.