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/u/DoingFedTime is full of bluff

by /u/Zunero · 0 votes · 2024-04-20 15:24:00

His comment: /post/abf0e17a9837c78a5c5b/#c-b598f26cc462b68bb0
My comment:/post/abf0e17a9837c78a5c5b/#c-ba26fecc3685fb45de

/u/DoingFedTime uses AI to write his comments:
His response to my comment = (83%)
Tor bridge comment = (100%)

I am not bothered to check the rest but even just these two are enough to say what the fuck.

He never stops blabbing and continuously talks without making ANY POINT. He is not going to the next Mental Outlaw or the next HeadJanitor. His OPSEC videos and talks are all regurgitated by previous OPSEC posts but he just adds more suspense, more fancy pancy words and uses lots of terms. He terribly reminds me of a DarkNet version of Jordan Peterson, cites sources endlessly but then talks nonsense, talks endlessly when all his points could be summarised into a few words

Not to mention DoingFedTime literally got ARRESTED as a DROPSHIPPING VENDOR, he's a fucking attention seeking whore who only feeds from the newbies appraisals, because they don't know any better and think of this vertically & horizontally challenged Karl Marx to be the next DarkNet savior. And the fact that he believes he was the founder of Dread when in reality he was just a moderator for a brief time (/post/8afeb3fd65b81fcfc3cc/#c-3c54924489d6a816fe) really shows where his ego originated. He's full of ego and it's disgustingly slimy, which is what I assume his keyboard and mouse is right now, full of greasy body oil.

Not to mention how he believes in security and privacy so much but his clear-net site doesn't have an onion-site and you cannot access the clearnet site with javascript blocked. His Clear-Net site is also fucking WordPress, which may account to why he doesn't have an onion-site, he's fucking clueless in what he's doing.

I also fucking hate how he has to create a video to explain something. I don't want to watch a video on fucking YouTube, just show me the goddam thing you are saying as text and shut the fuck up. There is no need to show your face, it's so fucking punchable.

The stupidest OPSEC fuck-up by a vendor = /post/e30dc568331142e80dfb/#c-59a8adbe7fc4455635

/WP-Admin command blocked my IP by JetPack =
Some other users having the no-JS issue = /post/ff513ea99619ece134ca/#c-e77c894d97cf61c185

You don't see the other vendors who have been here since SR, those who actively producing and shipping products themselves to be boasting like he does.

User: /u/Zunero

Ask AI where I've failed to prove factual information. Go ahead since you want to be such a smartass