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how do you guys date

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 6th June, 2023 03:59


User: /u/PsycheShop

I don't understand men chasing women. I get that they want to get laid but hookers are way cheaper, better and quicker for sex. As far as a relationship I also think the woman should be the one showing interest. If the default is that every man wants to be with you but you don't want to be with anyone except one, then shouldn't it be the woman that ultimately decides? Then why should I chase with thousands of other dumb fools??? Everyone just wastes their time then. You want me, then show interest. If you don't then leave me the fuck alone, but i am sure as fuck not going to come after you when I am just putting myself into the same boat with thousands of other idiots who are just trying to get laid. I got better things to do.