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POSTALFEIND and my experience ordering from him..

by /u/Ih8u · 0 votes · 2024-04-26 02:56:00

First off I want to say I hate to bash any legit vendor. i would never try to harm the reputation of any legit vendor for making an honest mistake. but i feel obligated to share my experience so far after ordering from /u/postalfriend

even after this entire ordeal I still value in /u/postalfriend (postalfeind) as a vendor, and want to see him succeed. He just has some work fiixing some opsec issues, and learning better customer service skills. I had really high hopes when i ordered from him, it seems most people are very happy using him. unless all the reviews are fake, which i doubt. Idk what happend with me, maybe i just ordered at the wrong time, maybe he had personal shit going on,. idk but I truly hope all the bullshit done with, and I get my package soon. hopefully with extra to make it up to me. but we shall soon see. for me, depending on what he ships and how long it takes will be a major factor on whether or not I could recommend others to use this vendor. as of now, i gotta say absolutely not. you should stay far away. if they send a sufficient pack, and they fix there opsec issues i would be happy to recommend them so stay tuned..

anyway heres my testamony ordering from /u/postalfriend aka postalfeind id love for him to respond to get his side, maybe im missing something and im in the wrong?

I placed my order from him well over a month ago and it never showed up. (he refused to ship to my po box so I wouldnt be able to see it on ID), I asked him to please send tracking after a few days. (no response) later I asked if hed at least give the et delivery date (no response) (i asked so wouldnt be checking the drop mailbox everyday) After some time He eventually said it was delivered! YAY! (spoiler alert, it wasnt) I told him there was no package and asked to please give me tracking to prove it was delivered and id happily release his money. (again no response) I ended up having to file a dispute.. to which he still refused to respond with tracking.
I finally JUST had a mod get involved who told him to PGP me the tracking.. He did right away! however, the tracking he gave says nothing was delivered. nor is there any proof it was even shipped to my address!
So sure he managed to send that tracking number with pgp, but get this! for some reason he decides to send another message, one without pgp! A MESSAGE THAT HAS MY NAME AND ZIP CODE IN PLAIN TEXT!! wtf!? there is no reason for him to have even sent that info. encrypted or not. All I can think of is maybe he thought it would make it seem like the tracking number he sent actually was mine? idk but its fucked.
I cant say i was that surprised however, Because according to him, he keeps a "book" of all the names and addresses of each of his customers hes shipped to! how considerate of him! Not only is that terrible opsec, its just all around bad for several reasons!
However, Im sure he keeps everything well encrypted right? Hes clearly someone who takes their opsec very serious. especially when its the personal data of his customers! So im sure theres no reason for anyone to worry about it.

User: /u/CommonCents

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