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MrWhite am I out of line?

by /u/PsycheShop · 0 votes · 13th January, 2021 23:17

MrWhite I am a vendor on your fine site. Your site is the only one I am left on actually (besides TMG) after Empire, Deep Sea, Icarus, and now Dark Market exitted with tens of thousands of dollars of my earnings. I have followed the rules on your site for over a year and I have an impeccable feedback/reputation. Being the last market standing for me I really need your platform and would not want to do anything to run afoul of you or your market. So I must ask if you have a problem with anything that was said by me in this other Dread post because MonopolyOfficial is threatening me with your name for making a very innocent remark. They have exploded like an emotional child, fabricated messages in my name, and brought your name into all because I said "DarkMarket also runs on Eckmar". That is literally all I said and now they are threatening me by way of your name. So I must ask for my survival as a vendor, have I run afoul of you? Is there anything I must take down or repent for? Here is the thread, all the posts made by me and MonopolyOfficial, including the horrible attempt of trying to fabricate a pgp signed message in my name which I never made:


PsycheShop: We should have known better vending on an Eckmar script (Monopoly is on one too), but unfortunately sometimes us vendors have no choice but to go where the customers (hence why I was on Deep Sea and Icarus too even though I never felt good about them)

MonopolyOfficial: Monopoly is running out of your moms vagina, we paid $20 for it, esckmar was too expensive for us.

PsycheShop: ^^^ Plus they are childish

MonopolyOfficial : The entire reason we are in this position is because of disgruntled children that like to make up lies like this to attempt to damage our reputation, you damage our reputation I will ruin your life. I think after this recent Dark escapade it will be zero tolerance for dipshits. You were denied on our market (/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1943) for being a mouthy little shit, and here you are spreading more lies (it's a wonder why you were denied in the first place, I guess I was right in my assumptions as usual).

I's been like 2 years now and people are still trying to do this shit, you don't learn do you. Well let me give you some reading material, less than 2 weeks ago we had to deal with a moron like you;


He then went onto our forum and started threatening people, less than 2 weeks later I get this from him;

Hash: SHA512

Its been a little while, but i want to give you my full apologies for all my actions; for being the exact opposite vendor I wanted to represent your market as, and for causing all that bullshit for what was ultimately misunderstandings, and my accidental infraction of a rule you have set.

I did not wish to get anyone mad or angry especially over the holidays of all days. But i let my anger get the better of me. I will not give any excuses because they are exactly that, excuses. So i just want to apologize for the troubles/worries/frustration that you had to go through because of me.

I acted impulsively, without thinking. i hope you can take my word as the truth when i say that all the customer's info was immediately purged through tails, 3x over the moment my account was banned, an i hope you can see the sincerity in this apology.

I was being an absolutely immature/childish/retarded person you had given a chance to , and i do not expect another one either.
This is just me wanting to make amends and tell you, I fucked up.

Thank you anyways Mr. Monopoly.


Go do your research, and the next time you write a comment you better hope it's something nice, or even better just not about us, avoid us, fear us because if I come across you again you will get the same treatment as Methledon did.

You also vend on white house, /u/mr_white does not put up with this shit either because what you are saying is outright lies, its just blatant false information you have deliberately posted to try and cause drama with us, or get 1 up on us for denying you, now think about how much this post you made helped you? You have directly attacked us in this post, therefore I have the full right to attack you back should I wish to do that.

You better have a good explanation for making this post that's all I can say.

PsycheShop: WOW! Not only do you respond to my accusation of being childish by being even infinitely more childish but you then go on a threatening rant ending with a completely fabricated message made by yourself. So not only are you showing your true colors but you are willing to waste tons of your time, while neglecting your market, by creating long fake messages. You are beyond the pale as a market admin and if I was a user of Monopoly I would be highly concerned by such childish and emotional behavior by an admin.... And for the record I am not a tech guy and my Eckmar observations are merely regurgitating what HugBunter and MrWhite has previously stated about Eckmar. HugBunter and MrWhite are both considered the most respected and most competent technical actors on the DNM scene at the moment so it is amazing to me you so easily discount their concerns about Eckmar.... Btw, at first I thought you completely fabricated a message from me but it appears you are confusing me with a completely different vendor. You can't see that?

User: /u/[deleted]

I am aware of this: So let me get this right. When your site is inaccessible for 3 days, which it most definitely will be if you ever get decent traffic, then you are automatically going to put me on vacation mode just because you can't deal with ddos attacks? So that is how it works? I sell $20k a week. I'm not some small timer begging to suck a dick to get an account. I'm applying here as a back up to my other 5 market accounts. The only one playing games is you. If you don't want to approve my account because your questions are not practical then that is fine. But I check my orders a dozen times a day since I have to since I am not some small timer. If your customers don't want to purchase 224g grams of pure DMT shipped same day from the US for only $3k then they can either find me on another site or they can pay $2400 an ounce for impure shit from my "competitors" Also on other bullshit that went on since then. My opinion on Ekcmar is known however I never said Monopoly is Eckmar based simply because it's not, you don't even need to be technical to realize that and as a vendor who has been on several markets you should know the difference between Eckmar and something else. Your comment /post/546042ac3c143b6b0313/#c-4304b839d251345402 is just a baseless claim, an attack on them, most likely because they refused you about 1 year ago or so, you should get over it already. I also highly doubt Hug ever said Monopoly is Eckmar. You have to understand some markets do cooperate, that being said you haven't caused any issues for us whatsoever, let's keep it that way.