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Stop getting scammed!

by /u/HighFlyerUK · 0 votes · 12th July, 2023 17:44

Thought I would post some of the scams I am seeing people get hit with on here and hopefully it saves some new users some money.

New users posting guides.

I am seeing this one a lot on /d/carding and /d/fraud. A new user will come out of nowhere sharing guides or methods for free, they are usually worthless guides and methods but new users will think they are knowledgeable and trustworthy since they are sharing information for free.
You will then be taken off Dread to a platform like Telegram and the scammer will then offer to share all of his wealth of knowledge for the low, low price of $500. This sounds like a good deal to a newbie, the scammer has been sharing information for free so it must be worth it... Wrong, you are about to get scammed.

Phishing for sources.

A scammer will post something along the lines of:

"So I finally cashed out my first bank log today after several attempts. but would this money be safe to use?"

This post looks fairly innocent, right? Well you're wrong, what is actually happening here is the scammer is phishing for users to message them asking where they got their bank logs from and they will then be directed off platform, most likely telegram, to buy from the scammers bank log vendor, you will receive nothing, you will be scammed.

PayPal logs with cookies

If you see anyone on dread talk about how easy it is to cashout PayPal logs with cookies, they're a scammer, no ifs, no buts, no maybes. Anyone who has dealt with PayPals for even 5 minutes knows PayPal accounts are a pain in the ass at the best of times.

Baby Bottles

If a baby bottle offers to sell you something 99.9% of the time it's a scam. If I was you, I would just never deal with a baby bottle and even if they're not baby bottles I wouldn't buy off anyone who is not vouched or on a marketplace.


New users need to stop giving scammers money, deal with only vouched people and preferably deal with people via marketplaces, at least that way there is some form of accountability.

Some of you just make it too easy for these scammers, it's not like any of their scams are smart, you're just being dumb, don't come on /d/fraud or /d/carding and expect someone to help make you rich, it's not going to happen.

If after reading this, you still get scammed, you're not cut out for anything fraud related, go get a legit job.

Be cautious.
Be smart.
Be safe.

User: /u/therichpuncher

Where could I load/what's the best I should try loans/checks etc