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Thank fuck the wait is over

by /u/bobnotbob · 0 votes · 8th March, 2022 05:42

Honestly I'm not the most illiterate guy in the world but that previous fucking captcha drove me insane. I had to start taking gymnastics just so I could stand on 1 hand whilst trying to tell the difference between a road with a tree on it or a tree with a road behind it. And dont get me started on the fucking clouds man!!

I am going to admit I generally always fucked up until the coins captcha arrived. I get why it's done but wow thank fuck. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T HAVE ME TRYING TO ROTATE CLOUDS. THAT SHITS JUST TWISTED. MAYBE SAVE THAT FOR THE BANNED USERS.

Small minor bug logging in to this first time. Got put in a loop asking me to subscribe to discussions. It eventually loaded through to the main page eventually.

User: /u/bobnotbob

hey man whatever I did worked so all good. Looks excellent thanks for the efforts