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by /u/PurpConnisor · 0 votes · 2024-04-30 19:40:00

dont get me wrong im not saying this not real like it dont work i mean its not real in the sense that someone who isnt connected or isnt friends with someone who is already in a prospering place isnt gonna get far here. the majority ive met my past 3 years on this shit. they all lie n lie n lie. the way im starting to see people make money here is by convincing new comers n those who dont know any better to buy methods n that really how the money is made. not by actually scamming(tho there are few who are truly successful but theyll never truly share how they do it because it will 1. result in them getting caught. 2. the method being patched faster 3. they dont really have a reason or obligation to help fr) they scam you into believing they have working methods you need to buy n pay for but in reality you just lining their pockets.

havent been successful in no scams but i have learned to protect myself n keep myself anonymous online so at least there is that win. still out here on the hunt for a good method to make some decent cash on. hope yall see this n becareful. all this shit is wishful thinking anyway if it works it works if not fuck you tried

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