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Incognito 100% Exit Scam - AVOID NOW

by /u/HugBunter · 0 votes · 2024-03-05 12:10:00

Unfortunately, I can 100% confirm the exit scam now.

It is well known that Incognito purchased DarkNetLive and previously I have mentioned to Pharoah that if and when he decides to shut down, it would be great if he could hand over the domain in the process to ensure it isn't used maliciously. I've been talking to him back and fourth the past few hours and got to the point where I told him a warning is going live, to which his response was to try and bribe me to take Dread down or wipe all posts regarding Incognito, in return he will hand over DNL. Big mistake, he of all people should know I can't be bought and I won't hesitate to confirm the exit.

/u/DarkDotFail /u/TorDotTaxi

It would have been good for everyone if DNL could have been passed into good hands and my warning here will not make any difference to funds already lost to Incognito, but hopefully this will be enough now to try and ensure users stay clear and avoid losing more.

Easy trade, for one week of dread downtime or clean dread. I got no use for the domain anyway.

Yeah, we're done here. Please try to share warnings wherever possible. I'm going to get the warning on Daunt as soon as I can.

User: /u/UKDistribution

Thank fuck I went in vacation before all this shit so I didn't lose anything 😱 Feel bad for those that did.