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Which is more important to you, precision or recall? How would that look to you?

by /u/Paris · 0 votes · 30th November, 2021 00:11

I've hit a crossing point for dread's new search. Recall is the amount of entries which are returned within the search set and precision is the amount which are relevant. Too high of recall and there will be far too many non-relevant results to make the search meaningful but too much precision and results which are relevant might be excluded.

To not make it too complex for the search requests I've tried to balance two opposing forces well but I think I took the side of precision. Being that I know what will come up for the relevant results what I am searching is optimized to how I know the search works. That is a problem that I want to counter against. If you can take a moment please answer the questions below so I can optimize this search to fit more in line with how 'regular' user would search.

The questions are:

What would be your first search on the dread update and what would you want it to return exactly? (Don't think general terms like "drugs" or "best vendors" but specific terms like a vendor name, place, specific drug, funny memes, or historic information; that kind of idea.)

By default, would you like to see results which have a lot of activity (comments and/or votes) or was more recently posted? Can you give a percentage?

Which is more important, more activity or more content on a result. Can you give a percentage?

Would you want to increase the likelihood of seeing results from users you have interacted with?

Should we increase the recall from users who have a good score on dread?

By default, should more positive interactions with the result lead to higher recall of it?

User: /u/Pygmalion

As a vendor 1. I search my own brand to see if there are relevant posts about my business. 2. I would like to see most recent posts. Being up to date on reputation things is key to marketing strategies and potential damage control. 3. Ideally I want all the new content. 4. No, users I already have interacted with are interesting but not really what I need. 5. No, giving weight to users with good score would give a false impression of reality. 6. Yeah, that would make it easier to filter relevant things that require attention.