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Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 0 votes · 20th January, 2021 00:33

Is anyone getting tired of these ungratful little shits? I swear I see people bitching and moaning so much about vendors not getting back to them right away and exchanges not happening instantly even though common sense would tell you that these vendors probably have real lives that they live and that when dealing with USPS you have to be patient. If you are not patient then the DN is not for you. As much as I would love to believe that the only people acting like this are teenagers I know that these are grown fucking people that were never taught patience, manners, or just common decency. Just a bunch of people that want everything for free yesterday, if you are one of these people then please stop, you are just gonna make these vendors want to retire more. I get that there are shitty vendors and scammers as well but if you don't have enough time and patience to sit down and focus then just get the fuck off the Dark Web and learn that you are not special. On the Dark web its pretty simple, MONEY TALKS, and if you don't have a lot of it then you can expect a wait because these vendors could care less about the gram of coke you junkies can't wait for! You will have bad deals, it happens to all of us, you have to be smart and calculate your risks because you will lose some money but you do control how much you lose at the end of the day. Just be happy they are there to spend an hour of their time processing your $30 order because the only reason they are even doing it is in hopes that you will come back and buy bigger amounts, if this is not their plan then they won't be in business long. #Moneytalks #Commonsense. Sorry for the long rant, I just feel some kinda way today.

EDIT: Before anyone says something I already know I spelled ungrateful wrong in the title DAMMIT! /u/Mr_White i'm a lazy little shit could you code in spellcheck pls

User: /u/QuickieFlippie

sometimes you gotta pay extra...if you pay walmart prices you get walmart service