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OK THIS IS CRAZY, storytime

by /u/pablopicassosaexx · 0 votes · 2024-04-28 14:27:00

That mf is probably gay asff.
So I was scrolling on dread and I found a scammer telling people to pm "kk1to" on tg. So I know he is a ripper, but I wanna dm him to see what does his scam look like. I ask him if he uses escrow, ofc he says no...🤣 And then he has the audacity to steal my post about me selling bank logs, like word for word. He did just copy and paste. And then I tell him that I'm pablopicassosaexx(he is so dumb he can't even recognize my username on tg) and then, ofc he block me. So guys, stay safe, use escrow. And be careful :)

User: /u/Zunero

I don't know if I have Alzheimer but I keep opening this post when I've already opened it for the 5th fucking time