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Business to launder profits through

by /u/blessYOUR · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 03:56:00

The short of it is just that: If you could start a legitimate business that would allow you to appear as close to a completely legal ma and pop business, what would you do? I already own a building which used to be, and is a known, working garage. However, I am not the least bit mechanically inclinded. Anyway, I had something going in the past in an effort to help look a little better with all the traffic: People would pull up to the garage door, I'd open it dressed in coveralls and pull them inside, close the door while talking to them like a customer. This seemed to work well as it both put the purchaser at ease and made me feel better about the public appearance. However, anyone who would look into the matter would see that although the building is registered as commercial, there is no active business entity working out of it. Also, without a papertrail, or at least a fake one, there is no reason this business would have the income that it does. I knew I had to offer something that i could more or less say I did the work but it isnt something you could necessarily see. I had, in my mind, detailing work. It seemed plausible but at the same time, youd see if I vehicle was leaving and it was filthy. Its also worth mentioning that there is a passageway from said garage to, lets say, a different building. From all outside and even inside accounts, there is no way to access or even think about accessing one or the other. Anyway, Im getting off topic.
In a perfect world, what business could one start that would in essence be great at hiding the fact that I have an extra very lucritive business? I was thinking of also having a crypto atm there if for nothing else, it would be the closest one in around 50 miles. Sorry if this is way off in left field. Was just curious how i could use the resources i have to disguise a little better my dnm sales.

User: /u/CheckpointUS

The best business to hide the fact you have a lucrative illegal business, is a lucrative legal one. You can buy full fledged businesses for sale online pretty easy, usually the owner just wants to cash out. You can get a good one with zero work needed on your part that's churning good money with a history for a millie easy