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Has anyone ever ordered from Big Jack aka

by /u/ClavinKein · 0 votes · 2024-03-05 06:39:00

It appears in the vendor superlist, and I've heard of people saying good things about them.

So are they still going strong? Do orders arrive, to Europe?

I'd much rather buy from escrow markets, but can't find what I need in any escrow market, only with this vendor.

I don't feel much much safe ordering just from some clearnet website where the minimum order is like 300 bucks.

User: /u/ZillaKami138

Tyvm. I rarely order international, but on those rare occasions, one vendor blending indistinguishably with regular letter mail, and the other used ninja level stealth. But I've had foreign vendors literally send shit tossed inside an envelope, not even in a bag. I could hear the shit rustling around inside the envelope. Yet by some miracle it arrived (but this specific instance happened almost a decade ago, when customs wasn't as scrutinizing). Without revealing methods, how confident are you in LF and BJ's packs clearing customs without issue? Obviously seizures are possible no matter how good the stealth, so I'm just looking for reassurance that they put some effort into not making the packages obvious targets for seizure.