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AMA with /u/saferpartych

by /u/Saferpartych · 0 votes · 25th August, 2021 17:55

We are a Harm Reduction service from Zurich, which has been offering a drug checking service for 20 years and thus belong to the pioneers when it comes to drug checking. You can have substances tested in our office as well as during our mobile operations directly in clubs and at festivals. In addition, we operate a website (, currently only in German) and offer counseling on substance use, both online and offline. We have recently become active on Dread and will be available to answer your questions regarding substance use and/or Drug Checking on August 25 from 4pm to 5pm MET. We look forward to your questions.

Ask me anything

User: /u/BadFishBad

I agree with /u/effwrk Phychonautwiki and Erowid are the minimum two sources I check out before using anything. I wish the majority of Erowid Vault stories were of use with the single drug in question.. so many are like, t0: I stuck 8 grams of shrooms up my ass, t+1 snorted .5g coke +2 dropped 1gMdma. Then at t+15 eyballed about 500 micro grams of Bromo-DragonFly.....t+30 died or had a wonderful time or something that tells us nothing about the one drug i'd like to hear experiences with. I digress. I must say, the quiz idea really turns me off. First, I made it through college. I can cheat on anyone or anything. I think a problem a lot of people have is living under the idea, "it won't happen to me"...even when they 'know/have heard' the risks. Those are for other people...I don't like to look at gruesome pictures or dead people or anthing of that sort. Some people are into it..not my thing. But maybe a subdread with very detailed stories and perhaps pictures of how bad shit can ACTUALLY get and how it happens to all types.. maybe a more stern approach would put some fear into these people. You couldn't get make people look at those things or read them, but stuff would get around like it always does. The approach of testing people sounds good, but we want our shit for as little work as possible. If we were to incentivize passing these tests/quizes with something like love coupons from the mods or drug samples.. a small % would be good boys and grils, study, pass and get their foot massage from /u/Paris but the rest of us.. well, we wouldn't dare take the chance of failing and thereby not getting the reward. So, right back to cheating. I'm sure you guys are familiar with Coinbase. They do tests like this for certain Cryptos that will earn you a few dollars worth of them for watching the vids then correctly answering the questions of the quiz. Neat, right? I got a perfect score on all of them, never watched a video..because people on reddit post the answers to every quiz. Amph make me too talkative. Just my 2 cents.