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WARNING: Bug in Monero can reveal your identity!

by /u/moneroswap · 0 votes · 1st August, 2021 00:02

Not sure why this isn't bigger news here, but we will be suspending our service until Monero can deliver an update on their node to address the exploit. This should raise concerns for people using Monero to conceal their identity or they're seeking more privacy. According to the official Monero Twitter profile they claim:

"If users spend funds immediately following the lock time in the first 2 blocks allowable by consensus rules (~20 minutes after receiving funds), then there is a good probability that the output can be identified as the true spend."

This is why we have limited the number of transactions in our queue to 0 and will remain that way until Monero releases a fix. They suggest to wait one hour between transactions before sending another transaction on Monero. But I don't know how this affects exchanges that use Monero.

Stay safe!

User: /u/strace

On the blockchain.