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To the DDoS attaquer of Dream & Dread

by /u/HashishMaster · 0 votes · 4th February, 2019 22:28

I'm sorry but ... Gosh darnit.

I apologize for my aggression & vulgarity but Gaaat~Daaayuuum. Please stop it

I'm so angry, I must ask you to please just stop it.

Now that you know the thing works, could you please concentrate on the oligarchs that oppress us all around the world & make them pay? :::/

I bet I'm not the only farmer working hard for the privilege to pay the bills; did you know your work is stepping on our necks like corporate does? it's true

Sorry for the strong words

You got talent... go kick some ass for us all please... okay? okay. :::)

Of course you could order some Hashish eh

Thank you.


User: /u/archon2323

in the ass , someone rape this faggot